Veles e vents han mos desigs complir
faent camins dubtosos per la mar.
Mestre i ponent contra d'ells veig armar:
xaloc, llevant, los deuen subvenir,
ab llurs amics lo grec e lo migjorn,
fent humils precs al vent tramuntanal
que en son bufar los sia parcial
e que tots cinc complesquen mon retorn.
Bullirà el mar com la cassola en forn,
mudant color e l'estat natural,
e mostrarà voler tota res mal
que sobre si atur un punt al jorn.
Grans e pocs peixs a recors correran
e cercaran amagatalls secrets:
fugint al mar on són nodrits e fets,
per gran remei en terra eixiran.
happy weekend! y big besos for you too!
ResponEliminap.s. catcher in the rye. check it out when you have time. :)
ResponEliminaHa, thanks for the visit, the comment and the following my blog!! I just wished I would be able to understand spanish....(some words are very similar to Italian though, but since my Italian isn't that particular well polished I might not completely understand what's written here. SORRY!) I love that picture with the piano in de sidebar and the one with the books...aahh..they are all Beautiful. Love to see more of that ;-))